Friday 20 May 2011

Cake - an exhibition of FriggArt, 19th-26th May

An artist's rendition of the Cake in the chapter titled, "Cake". The work, in pen on paper, is a commentary on the insufficient description of cakes throughout the novel, and explores the nature of visual writing in a literary form increasingly influenced by the conventions and symbols of writing for the screen.

A celebration of Halloween. I'm struggling to recall what part of the novel could possibly have inspired this. Is it possible the readers had other things on their minds than my story?

Who ate Lisa's Cake? Microsoft Excel's Cake Chart feature provides the answer.

It's just, like, a word cloud.

To this day I do not know what this comment was meant to say. The suspense...

This, I have decided, would be the official bookmark for Darlington Frigg. I have not yet made a decision on action figures or cartoon series spin-offs, and strangely, no major toy manufacturer or TV company has approached me either. It's a cruel world.

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